Beyond Media Online

Going Beyond the Realm of Media

‘American Teen’ DVD Review

Posted by georgetheofanopoulos1 on December 22, 2008

americanteenNanette Burstein’s American Teen follows five teenagers during their senior year in high school in Warsaw, Indiana. The films main stars are a popular girl (Megan Krizmanich), the star basketball player (Colin Clemens), the band nerd (Jake Tusing), the artistic individualist (Hannah Bailey), and the heartthrob (Mitch Reinholt). It is very interesting as we follow the high and lows of their relationships.

American Teen has been marketed as a 2008 follow-up to The Breakfast Club. Its insecurity, for the most part, that links these kids throughout. Though they all attend the same small high school in Warsaw, Indiana, the four teens’ lives don’t intersect all that often, though each is vaguely familiar with each other’s personalities.


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