Beyond Media Online

Going Beyond the Realm of Media

‘Super Troopers’ Blu-ray Review

Posted by georgetheofanopoulos1 on December 21, 2008

supertroopersbluThere are comedies that come along making you think to yourself that there is no chance in the world this is going to good. Going into ‘Super Troopers’, I was thinking the same thing. The branding of the film falls under the ‘Broken Lizard’ umbrella which is similar to ‘National Lampoon’s’ branding of comedies. This is a comedy that does not go for gross humor, but it goes with more gags and jokes that work really well. The film would be very successful at the theaters with a total worldwide gross of $23 million dollars with a $3 million dollar budget. It shows what a smashing success ‘Super Troopers’ became at the box office and even garnering cult status on the DVD scene.


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