Beyond Media Online

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‘In The Name of the King: A Dungeon Siege Tale’ Unrated Director’s Cut Blu-ray Review

Posted by georgetheofanopoulos1 on December 21, 2008

inthenameofthekingbluDirector Uwe Boll is quickly becoming this generations Ed Wood. Boll has taken the number one spot with some of the worst videogame to movie adaptations on this side of Hollywood. After a string of atrocious film releases, Uwe Boll finally releases one of his better pieces of work with ‘In The Name of the King: A Dungeon Siege Tale’. The only other film of his that I enjoyed was ‘House of the Dead’, with the rest of his films being not so good. With a worldwide total box office gross $11 million dollars and $15 million dollars in DVD sales. The problem is that this film cost $60 million dollars to make.

The story of ‘In The Name of the King’ revolves around a dark era in the kingdom of Ehb where King Knreid (Burt Reynolds) is the ruler of the land.


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